Thank you dad for being the protector, the teacher and my role model.

The role of a father in a child's life is important for the development of his emotional well-being. An involved father creates a feeling of safety, stability and self-confidence and a child will try hard to make his father proud and to earn his love and support.

Justin Ricklefs "The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched", for, as the head of the household, a father plays many roles in his child's upbringing." These are: 

Protector: who provides both emotional and physical security thereby instilling confidence and stability in his child who knows and feels that his dad will always be there for him.

Teacher: who lays down the rules and enforces them, teaches his child life values, manners, rules of proper conduct and how to be disciplined and respectful.  

Role Model: whose example a child tries to emulate like showing kindness and respect towards others, and gentleness and caring but also strength and protectiveness towards women. Sons are likely to adopt similar characteristics when they become adults, and be like dad, and daughters will look for those same "dad" characteristics in their life partner. 

Mentor: who will listen and offer advice when needed. A child should be open about his problems or difficulties and feel able to approach his dad about these, safe in the knowledge that his father will show patience and understanding whilst trying to help him learn how to solve his problems. This is invaluable for a child's emotional, mental and spiritual development.

Trainer: who will be there for, and show, him when he does things for the first time like learn to ride a bike or to swim, how to complete a jigsaw, or how to fix his broken toys.  A father's encouragement and praise, as he guides him through these learnings, will improve his child's sense of well-being, self confidence and self-acceptance.

Friend: who makes his child feel comfortable with him as well as in his own space. This will keep him from becoming withdrawn and depressed and following "the wrong track". A father's friendship, love and attention does wonders for a child's self esteem and sense of his own importance. But, he should always remain the father figure.

Playmate: who will engage in fun, physical activities like piggybacking, playing ball and catch. For a child, this is good exercise, strengthens his muscles, improves hand-eye coordination, teaches him how to follow rules and to be sporting. And it's great for father and child bonding.

Partner: whose visible love and respect for his wife creates a happy and harmonious environment in the home which will benefit in a child's formative upbringing and his learning of how true relationships work.

The importance of the roles of both mother and father in a child's upbringing cannot be ignored. Mothers are seen to be the nurturers or caregivers. But as fathers are seen to provide the security and stability, and to have the commanding influence, in the home, Justin Ricklefs rightly says "The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched."

To all Dads on Father's day, in the words of Barack Obama  "It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father".

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