Stamina to make it Through the Year

How often has it been one of ‘those’ days this week, this month or this year?

At the beginning of each year, we seem to give up on the usual resolutions of: quit smoking, drink less, eat better, or exercise more and throw them into the one resolution of making it My Year, only to get worn out a couple of weeks later. 

Believe us; you’re not alone on this particular grindstone. Most of us feel winded by the daily demands from time to time, so here are 5 ways to get your stamina back and start making the year work for you:

Eat better.

Yes it’s been said to death and back already, and who really has the time to make healthy food for everyday? That’s not what we’re saying here, well, not entirely. The trick is to eat as healthily as possible to get enough energy for the long days. Don’t go out of your way to get ‘vegetarian approved, gluten free, carb conscious, soya free, sugar free, dairy free, fair trade’ lunches, just order a salad instead of fries on the side with your lunch time burger. Baby steps.

Get enough sleep

This is very important so that you can avoid burning out during the day. If your body is a machine like a car, fuel is your food, water is your water and sleep is your oil, it’s that one thing you need to make everything run smoothly.

Peel those eyes off the screen, yes every screen

iPad, smartphone, computer, laptop, and TV. We waste so much time staring at these devices that we lose time we could enjoy with friends or family or learning a new hobby to help take our minds’ off the daily toil.

Set out a well-deserved reward at the end of the year

This could be a week of not moving from the bed or playing solid computer games, locking yourself in a room to catch up on all the books you haven’t had time to read or, what everyone seems to enjoy, take a long holiday.

Take 5 minutes, when everything seems to cave in and the chaos becomes too much to handle, take a few minutes away from it all. Your ‘you’ time is very important and everyone needs it.

These tips won’t make the boss less demanding or the kids quieter, but they will help you to make everything a lot easier to deal with.

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At Homes of Distinction, we are celebrating our 20-year anniversary this month and humbled by the transformation we have seen over the years. We look
forward to the celebrations ahead and for the next 20 years of diversity and change.  

24 Oct 2017
Author Lillian Rencken
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