Spoil HIM this Valentines Day!

Men.  Our deep voiced, not afraid of the dark counter part!

What is it that makes us love them so much? Maybe it’s their wonderful fashion statements they make? Or maybe the same thoughtful gifts we get! Bath things are really nice only once a year! They have also been seen to be the more ‘simple’ species, so don't let your cave man go neglected this Valentine's Day! Spoil them this year by understanding them a little better!

 Let's look at the simple task of Braaing.  Braaing is the ultimate man thing, they can spend hours standing around a Webber, drinking an ice cold beer, the one braaing will generally have tongs in one hand and a beer in the other. This is how they show one another who's boss! The conversation is mainly centered around sports or old stories as well as few grunting noises!

 When the braaing does actually happen, the man in charge demonstrates to his fellow observers the right way to Braai a chop! One thing that makes a braai a braai are the useful tools needed! Tongs, charcoal, fire lighters and beer! “Nou, gaan ons braai”.

 My thoughts on this whole man and fire becoming one dates back to the cave men days. “Me man, you fire”! There is no space around the Webber for a woman, and they make that quite clear by the way in which they huddle around the fire, almost rekindling their bro-mance! It's like watching moths being drawn to a flame!

My next point brings us to electronic paraphernalia, things such as PlayStation, Xbox, go pros and drones! All the toys boys love and want! Watching a man play Playstation is like watching a national geographic marathon!  They can sit for hours completely engulfed in their virtual reality, as if in their natural habitat.  Every part of them almost shuts down and the energy that they would use to blink and breathe, goes to their hands.  It's like the remote almost becomes their extended hand! The interesting thing is they don't get bored! I can almost hear David Attenborough narrating “ 17 hours and counting and the male human still has not moved, - amazing!”

 Another interesting observation we as woman have all witnessed is what I like to call TV, can you hear me?’ We have all witnessed this during those intense moments in the rugby where things start to get heated and the team is losing, the male species straightens himself up on the couch and proceeds to scream at the ref, who will never hear you, - I'm sorry to say! And I can assure you ladies, all men do it.

 Despite how strange or cave man mannered they are, they too enjoy a little pampering, so why not spoil them this Valentine's Day, because the bottom line is, we can't live without them and they can't live without us! Keep it simple by lighting a braai or putting some sports on and don't forget the beer! Maybe even high five them for being able to play PlayStation for 12 hours! So spread the love this Valentine's Day because the world probably needs a high five and some love every once in while! Happy Valentine's Day everybody!


10 Feb 2016
Author Tracey Greenberg
548 of 562