Post Holiday Blues...

Do you not find it strange how at the start of the December month everything begins to slow down?

We all begin to unwind, and start planning our holidays from what goes into the suitcase, to what we are going to wear on travel days. If you’ve planned on a more ‘rustic holiday’ that entails catering for your family and the 3 others, grocery shopping becomes more fun as well as enticing and finding a “buy one get one free” has never thrilled you this much before!

Even people you do not like become more bearable, maybe it's the Christmas spirit making your heart grow, similar to the Grinch.  Before we all depart for our relaxing breaks, we wax: underarms, brows, lip, legs and bikini… No one has time to worry about that when we are soaking up the sun on Clifton beach!

The thought of going away for most brings us to a catatonic state, it's something we plan all year long and look forward to it no matter what and not even a bit of rain or having no hair straightener could ruin.

But slowly after New Year we all feel that similar feeling of “oh is it 2016 already!” Packing your clothes into a suitcase feels like the first day back at gym,  a mammoth task, and wearing the Dolce green pants and that top from Mr Price for traveling day doesn't cause you to flinch!  Even the feeling of your heart growing and the Christmas spirit causing you to hum “Rudolf the red nose reindeer” has come to an abrupt end! THE HOLIDAY BLUES, ARE HERE! You find yourself pacing through your house trying to gather yourself for work, for back to school, back to reality! Even chocolate begins to taste bitter. You feel teary, moody and slightly hungry even though you know you should be watching what you eat, because everyone at work will notice the bulges! And you have already broken your New Years resolution of “staying calm”.

 Fear not, even though 2016 has begun and the rush of this fast past life of liking pictures and pictures liked back signifies how popular we are, there is a tiny glow at the end of the tunnel! We should find time to slow down and not take for granted the little things that happen to us every day. For example,  binge watching Suits and Grays Anatomy over a weekend. Enjoy the food you eat, even if you should not be eating that pasta. Life is short and if we continue to live our lives always in the future we will never have time to reflect on how spectacular our lives actually are!

 The best advise I can give for this year and maybe a goal for 2016 would be- slow down! Not all of us enjoy going 300 km an hour, take your Sunday drives throughout the year and notice how extraordinary life is, - even if its not Christmas!

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05 Feb 2016
Author Tracey Thompson
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