"Charity Begins at Home" - Charities that need your support now more than ever...

"Charity Begins at Home" expresses the instinctive and overriding desire of humans to take care of their family first, before caring for others.

This need became even more apparent with the advent of Covid-19 which has seen many South Africans frantically trying to stockpile goods and adhering strictly to the lockdown regulations. All of this to protect themselves and their family.... 

But what about those others? Those who do not have the resources to stockpile or whose living conditions do not allow them to follow the lockdown instructions. Those who are now especially in desperate straits and who must rely on aid and support from others for survival.

Many charities, already doing great work for the poor and desperate communities in our country, have additionally initiated Covid-19 campaigns to aid those who are further disadvantaged by the pandemic. 

Here are 6 charities that need our support now more than ever.


The Gift of the Givers Foundation, established in 1992, "is the largest disaster response NGO of African origin on the African continent" which aims to assist "the needy, irrespective of human or animal, race, religion, colour, class, political affiliation or geographical location".

It has partnered with the government's Covid-19 initiative to assist the public health services in providing medical professionals with protective gear, relevant essential medical equipment and consumables to those medical facilities in need.

For more information, follow this link: (https://giftofthegivers.org/) or contribute to its crowdfunding campaign on Backabuddy (https://www.backabuddy.co.za/).


Was created by the South African government on 23 March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 crisis. It aims to prevent the spread of the disease and to detect, care for and support those in need allowing "the general public, civil society and the public and private sector to contribute" to its initiatives.

For more information, and how you can get involved, follow this link:  (https://www.solidarityfund.co.za/)


CoronaCare describe themselves as "a match-making platform, connecting concerned South Africans with organisations on the ground supporting those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic". They are "UBUNTU IN ACTION!" and "aim to make sure that no South African is left behind in this time of crisis".

For more information, follow this link: (https://coronacare.live/) or contribute to its crowdfunding campaign on Backabuddy (https://www.backabuddy.co.za/champion/project/corona-care)


JAM, founded in 1984, identifies itself as an organisation that provides programmes to African "children who need support and communities that need help" and they "do not discriminate in terms of race, religion, gender, or political persuasion". 

Their Covid-19 campaign is to distribute "essential food supplies and hygiene products, along with awareness and practical training on sanitation and hand-washing practices to curb the spread of the CoronaVirus" to vulnerable communities. They have proudly provided, in partnership with other organisations, "an initial 450 000 people in communities across SA with food, hygiene kits and Covid-19 education".

For more information, and how you can donate, follow this link: (https://jamsa.co.za/covid-19/)


UNICEF "is committed to realising the rights of all children to help them build a strong foundation and have the best chance of fulfilling their potential". During this Covid-19 crisis, UNICEF South Africa aims to "build 10 hygiene handwashing stations in under-resourced communities across South Africa" through its Little Hands Matter campaign (https://help.unicef.org/lets-stop-spread-covid-19-help-us-build-handwashing-stations). These will assist greatly in protecting the health and well-being of those children, and their families, who are living in deprived conditions.

For more information, follow this link: https://www.unicef.org/southafrica/


For animal-lovers and those who are concerned about the well-being of animals during the Covid-19 crisis, please contact the National Council of SPCAs for more information on how to donate or how you can get involved at an SPCA centre near you (https://nspca.co.za/).

Charity does begin at home! Family should come first! But we are all in this unprecedented experience together so, if you are able to, do your part, however small, during lockdown, and into the future if possible, by helping the vulnerable in our community whether they are children, adults or animals. The charities listed above, and others, would welcome your contribution now more than ever....

Be kind, be caring and stay safe!

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03 Jun 2020
Author LV Digital
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