Best ways to boost your property value!

The 1st and free way to boost your properties appearance (and hence value) is to minimise clutter! When showing a property, it's a good idea to put personal items like photos out of sight, as it will be easier for prospective buyers to see themselves in the space. Imagine you have a date coming round for the 1st time…everything should be neat, tidy and smelling fresh, burn a scented candle, buy an orchid!
The Kitchen

Most property professionals will tell you that the kitchen, above all other rooms, will sell the home. Fix any visible damage especially that loose cupboard hinge. You could possibly upgrade a movable appliances as it will still make the kitchen look more modern even if you are taking it with you! Modernity sells and the return on investment will outweigh the spend

Buyers respond well to homes that are clean and well maintained. Whiten that bath! Again upgrade the taps, replace the mirrors. Go that extra step and replace the toilet.

The quickest way to brighten and renew a room. It also doesn't mean you have to repaint the entire home as this can really add up, just be selective. High traffic rooms like the kitchen and bathroom are top candidates. Colorful rooms and walls are also priority, rather neutralise with a white or off-white as not everyone will agree with your choice of "feature colour"

You know what they say about 1st impressions. How do the walls look? Mow the lawn. Trim that overgrown hedge. Put down a fresh layer of mulch over the flower beds. Pay particular attention to the roof as this is often a point of concern for potential buyers
Good luck and use these tips to sell your Home with Distinction!

Contact us if you are looking to buy, sell or rent your property.

Call: 011 706 8238

03 May 2016
Author Garth Ronne
541 of 562