Be Wise When Renovating and Go Green

Be Wise When Renovating and Go Green

Category: News

Go green! Go green! Go green! It’s the hottest trend in homes and with the benefits a green home provides, green homes are a hot commodity. Green homes are a great turn on investment because they give the owner savings on power and sell faster than non-green homes.

If you’re looking to renovate your home, consider these 5 green renovating ideas

Use the space you need

When renovating, home owners will often add on an extra bedroom or bathroom, make the kitchen or living room just that much bigger. Many renovators will go too big which uses unnecessary resources, creates more waste, and requires more power to maintain.

Reclaimed wood

We all love to recycle and what is reclaimed wood if not recycled? Reclaimed wood is a great way to get the hard wood floors or counter tops you want without having to cut down new trees. It’s not just eco-friendly, but it’s also incredibly beautiful.

Pour it to walk it

Poured concrete on your floors is a great energy investment. The concrete can be shined to resemble marble but it’s cheaper and more eco-friendly. The concrete will soak up the heat during the day, helping to make your home cooler and slowly release the heat at night. This reduces massive temperature fluctuations and saves on the AC bill.

Double pane for half the pain

Installing double paned windows in your home during renovation is a sound and safe investment. The windows harder to break and provides enormous savings in cooling in summer and heating in winter.

Oh, Terrazzo, what would we do without you

Alright so what is terrazzo exactly? Terrazzo is a combination of recycled glass pieces and concrete that is crafted and highly polished until it shines. Terrazzo can be made into floor tiles, counter tops and any other things that are made using marble or granite. Not only is terrazzo cheaper than marble or granite, but is made of recycled materials and leaves a smaller carbon footprint.

LOOKING TO RENOVATE OR BUILD? www.hoddevelopments.co.za


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27 Nov 2017
Author Lillian Rencken
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