18 NB Questions to ask before buying!

“Buying a house is committing to a longterm relationship,” says Homes Of Distinction co-founder and CEO Jonathan Broekman, so you need to make sure that it’s the right one! Each buyer will have their own list of what is acceptable and what isn’t, but often a beautiful house - like a relationship - makes us lose perspective. To avoid disappointment, we have compiled the best questions to ask your estate agent and furnish yourself with all the facts for the ultimate best decision.

What are monthly water-and-lights costs?
You can’t get away from paying utilities, so know what your monthly budget is up against. Be sure to get an average cost — not the lowest monthly bill — and ask when peak months are. 

Is there documentation on warranties? 
If the previous owners were diligent enough to store warranties and appliance manuals, be sure to get them.  
Tip: Keep all warranty cards and product manuals yourself. If you decide to sell, those records show you care about your house and become a marketing asset. 

Exactly what is included in the sale?
Is the garden shed included? Are the fixtures and fittings, like big mirrors? Exactly where does the boundary lie? Make sure you see all of what you are getting.

How big is the geyser, and when last was is replaced?
To avoid a family rebellion, make sure the geyser is big enough to cover the needs of your household! An older geyser could mean you are in for a burst soon - no reason to turn the house down, but better to be aware.

Can you try the taps?
How long does it take for the water to come through, do the taps work evenly, and does one “rob” another of hot water?

Will your life fit in the garage?
It’s a fairly common “doh!” moment, where many older garages are now too low or too short to accommodate the dimensions of newer vehicles, not to mention all the additional storage space you usually count on having.

Why are they selling?
For example, if the seller needs to emigrate soon they will be more motivated to sell, suggests Jonathan. But if they are moving because they have found out there is a water-treatment plant opening close-by, walk away! Knowing the reason behind the sale is invaluable information to a buyer – make sure you ask, even if you approach neighbours.

How long have the owners lived there?
If they are moving out after a short period it could point to them knowing something that you don’t - church bells going off all weekend, a thoroughfare which makes morning traffic a nightmare, or similar reasons for you to change your mind.

Has the property repeatedly changed hands?
You should be alert to serious problems if the property has frequently changed hands. Find out why previous owners moved out, and even try to contact them.

How long has the property been on the market?
Jonathan says that if a property has been on the market for very long it might be an indication that could be underlying problems, or it is priced incorrectly, in which case the seller might be open to negotiation.

Am I really happy with this house and its location?
Buying a house is super exciting but can also be stressful and time-consuming. And that can make buyers vulnerable to making mediocre choices. It’s important to strongly consider your decision to sign a contract on a house and make sure that it is the right house for you, not the house that is right now!

What offers have they had so far?
If you can find out about the other offers, it obviously makes it easier to know what you should offer. 

Which way does the property face?
Maybe you love the sun waking you up in the morning – in which case ensure you face north-east. Which rooms will you be using most; and which way do they face for the right amount of light and warmth year-round?

Have any renovations have been conducted?
If so are the building plans available for you to inspect? “Remember unapproved renovations can be subject to a heavy fine or even demolition by local council,” Jonathan stresses - it would be awful to buy your dream home only to find out you have to destroy some of it.

How old is the property?
Not only is this nice to know but the older houses often need some TLC and maintenance if the previous owners have neglected it.

Can you move the furniture and look under the carpets?
It is not unknown to hide cracks in the wall with furniture or fresh paint (always be aware of a redecorated room) or cover up floor problems with carpets, so ensure you look thoroughly.

How sturdy are the drains and gutters?
Having to replace drainage is a very expensive and painstaking task, and it might be a shame to have to replace existing beautiful lead gutters, for example. 
If it is raining, seize the opportunity to check nothing is leaking

Is the local neighbourhood nice?
Are the local schools good and is the crime rate low? Where is the nearest shop or petrol station? All these little conveniences can make a huge difference to your daily life and happiness in your new home. 

Jonathan likens buying a home is a psychological poker game, with very high stakes and huge incentives to win big and avoid inconvenient facts. Remember that estate agents are legally bound to tell the truth, as well as motivated to maintain good relations and reputation, so you make sure you ask the right questions to get the right information. It could make the difference between buying a dream home and buying a nightmare – or save you a fortune!

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28 Feb 2017
Author Georgina Roberts
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